IT Manager at Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Ltd - Karachi

Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works Limits, West Wharf, Karachi, Invites applications for a certified and experienced 

I.T. Manager 
to work on ERP Development and Implementation, with following qualifications;
- EDUCATION: MCS/MS Computer Science Coupled With Oracle Professional Certification.

- Cognizant of ERP System Application, Modernized Programming and Business Intelligence Tools.
- Coordinate, plan and direct activities in fields such as electronic data processing, information system, system analysis and Computer Programming.
- Should have hands-on experience of oracle projects integration.
- Ability to Manage staff, monitor reporting and work under stress in a challenging environment.

- Minimum of 3 years in oracle project management.

“The above information is also available at PPRA Website:”

The applications addressed to the General Manager (Finance), Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Work Limited, West Wharf, Dookyard Road, Karachi to reach him not later than 26th November, 2010
KSEW reserves the right to accept or reject any application.

General Manager (procurement)
Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works LTD.
TEL: 92-21-9921 4045-64
FAX: 92-21-9921 4020, 9921 4030

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