Doctors & Nurses - Saudi Arabia

A delegation of Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall visit Pakistan in September, 2010 for selection of Doctors and Nurses in the following fields on attractive terms and conditions of employment determinable on the basis of qualifications and practical experience.

Consultants: All Specialties.

Specialists and Residents in:
- Nephrology
- Neonatology
- Internal Medicine
- Emergency
- Neurosurgery
- Radiology
- I.C.U./Kiney
- Medicine
- Family Medicine (Specialist only)

Nurses in Kidney.
Interview will be held at Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad.

Detailed schedule of interview shall be displayed on Corporation’s website as soon as the same is finalized by the Ministry of Health, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

For further details about qualifications, experience, salary, other terms and conditions of employment, submission of applications, please visit our website:
Closing Date: 23 September, 2010
Executive Director (PMD) / OEC, Islamabad.

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